Thursday, February 19, 2009

Some new products in the K2R store and samples on eBay...

Well, I have made it home and have spent some time with the family. And cleaning my sons' bedroom. And paying bills and doing all the fun catching-up that goes along with being one for three weeks. I have also gotten some new products up on the web site. Our 8 x 10 frame-able metal and our new 4 x 8 and 6 x 12 acrylic panels (perfect to go with Teresa Collins' new lines!) are now available online and will ship next week. Here are two projects I made with them:

Don't have the time to create an album from scratch? I have four of my project samples up on eBay this week, giving them a starting bid of $1.00. Once you land on one of the auction pages you can click on "View Seller's Other Items" to see the other albums. You might be able to get a pretty good deal on one. Here's photos of the covers:

I am just trying to clean up my scrap studio office. But first, I have to tackle the boys' play room! A Mom's work never ends!

A number of you asked how my husband, Rodney, was fairing woth me being gone so long. He faired just fine, although he was pretty tired. In fact, he came home for lunch yesterday, just to crash out on the couch for 45 minutes. Poor guy!

And here's proof that the Orange County Scrapbook Expo inspired at least one new scrapbooker: My sister-in-law fell in love with my class project "Great Times, Good Memories" and just had to create one for herself!

Don't forget that the Bay Area Scrapbook Expo is coming up March 20 and 21. Hope to see you there!


Tricia said...

You are ONE traveling sister! You go girl! Glad you made it back home safely! I was hoping I would be able to see you at the expo, but so much was going on that weekend...hope you did well!

China Doll said...

Before I forget...