Saturday, May 23, 2009

Something scrappy for the teachers ...

... A few days ago my first-grader, Will, came home with a handful of his essays he had written the past few months, in preparation for the standardized writing test the school district here has each year. Here is one of my favorites:

Since he wrote about scrapbooking, I figured it would be only appropriate for Will's teacher's thank you gift to be something scrappy. So I got an 11 x 14 metal panel and created this message board:

I also used a Red Pepper Ranger Adirondack paint dabber, Stickles, K2R flourish stamp 1-11. To "age" the paper, I used Distress Ink in Brushed Corduroy.
I covered the back side, as well, and added a photo of Will and Mrs. Perry together, along with some notebook-like paper for him to write a thank you to her for the fun time he had in her class this year. Fast, easy and inexpensive, yet from the heart.

For more scrappy ideas for the teachers in your lives, be sure to visit the Kits2Remember Design Krew blog and scroll back to last week. They have some really cute and easy ideas, too!


  1. Very cute Jess. I think its neat that you shared Will essay with us. Its so cute how he wants to be a scrapbooker like you!

  2. Ok, the essay is just too sweet. :o) The board you made is AWESOME and how original. Fabulous idea and I bet the teacher will ABSOLUTELY love it.

  3. I Love this!! what a great idea! Every year I make the teachers a clipboard and I put the class photo on it. But I love the idea of the magnetic board! So cute!! Thanks!!!!

  4. That is precious Jessica and from the teacher's viewpoint, very useful!
