Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Buy 3 get the 4th FREE sale!

The Kits2Remember warehouse is restocked and a bit full, so I feel like having a sale to make some room in there for the soon-to-come June project kits... so for the next five days, Kits2Remember will have the Buy 3 get the 4th Free Sale! This applies to a number of product categories in the K2R store:

Project Kits
Acrylic Panels
Metal Panels
Chipboard Sheets
Bind-it-All o-wire
Paint Dabbers
Stickles/Liquid Pearls
Rebekka Erickson Rub-ons

Here's how it works: Order items in groups of four (four bottles of Stickles, four project kits, etc. - project kits do not have to be the same exact kit, you can choose four different ones). After you've purchased three you will get the fourth one, of equal or lesser value, FREE. You order total will be adjusted when your order ships. This sale CANNOT be used in conjunction with any other offers, with these exceptions:
- Free shipping on orders of $75 or more (after discounts) within the U.S. only.
- Frequent shopper points will be honored

The sale ends Monday, May 25, at noon PST. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at jessica

Some of the new products we now have up in the store as of today:

- Extra Scrapbook Expo Make and Take kits

- "Love Letters" 6x6 mixed media album kit
- We R Memory Keepers Rub-on Tool

Some of the restocked items:

- "True Love," "AtoZ of Me," "Family Defined," and "Family: True Story" album kits featuring Teresa Collins' popular collections.
- Opaque white StazOn ink
- New colors of Stickles and Liquid Pearls- New colors of Ranger acrylic paint dabbers
- Craft magnets for metal message boards
- Distress inks
- Acrylic circles

Those of you in Florida may be planning to go to the Scrapbook Expo in Orlando this weekend. While Kits2Remember won't be there, our products will be! Scrapyard 329 will have a collection of our acrylic and metal panels, so be sure to stop and shop!

If you are in the Pensacola area, I will be teaching the class "The Women in My Life" at Scraphappy at 6 p.m. Thursday, May 28. You can check the K2R Calendar for details. Hope to see you there!


  1. What a great sale! If you are looking for kits, Jessica's kits are the way to go. They have great instruction on how to put them together AND you get a whole lot of wonderful products. ENOUGH TO DO THE BOOK AND THEN SOME!

  2. Thanks, girl! FYI, Jenn was one of K2R's best customers before she got on the Krew. She has fabulous, innovative ideas, as well. Be sure to check her and the rest of the Krew out at!
