Yesterday I spent most of the day weeding my backyard. Being new to Florida, I did not have a complete understanding of summer foliage here. When I left for the San Diego Expo and Creative Escape several weeks ago, I had some nice ground cover that the previous owners had planted when they were trying to sell the house in the planter in the front yard and in some of the planters in the backyard. It was about 4 inches tall, very lush, looked nice. I came home to find my nice ground cover plants to be about 12-18 inches tall. Whoa! That is apparently not ground cover! No, I was informed by a neighbor. Those are weeds. How embarrassing! So last week I ripped all of the weeds out of the front yard and transplanted some volunteer vinca from the backyard to hopefully keep the weeds at bay. Then, yesterday, I spent the day on the backyard, ripping out weeds, dead vegetable bushes and more. I finished up this morning by planting some hibiscus bushes, vinca and marigolds, again, with the hopes of keeping the weeds at bay. An to add some color to a very GREEN yard. I love green, but sometimes a splash of color (even pink!) is a nice touch.
But it wasn't all weeding this weekend. I did go to the Scrap Pink crop at Gigi's Scrapbookin' and More in Foley, AL. It was a great time, met some great ladies and got 31 pages done... whoo-hoo! We also honored breast cancer survivors (there were actually two cropping with us that day) by releasing pink balloons with written messages on them. It was very pretty. Of course, I forgot my camera, so I will have to wait for Gigi to send me the ones she took. The crop made me want to carve out more time to work on my own scrapping stuff and I might just do that this week.
As for Kits2Remember, don't forget the sale, discount and RAKs continue this week (scroll down for details), plus I have new RAK giveaway to tell you about. Project designer Shari Suzuki is giving away some Kits2Remember metal on her blog this week. Be sure to check out what she has to say...
I will be at the Desert Scrappers weekend retreat in Gallatin, TN, Oct. 3-5. If you live near Nashville and are looking for a great event to escape to and get some scrappin' done, this would be a great one. Laura has been organizing crops for years along the West Coast and always does a great job. I will have a booth there and I will also be teaching an acrylic album class. You can find out more about the crop by visiting the K2R calendar. Hope to see you there!
Jessica your flowers are beautiful. Loved the red one especially. As for 31 pages done, that is awesome. Wish I could get some work done like that. Who knows maybe this is my week to fit some in. Oh, thanks for the info on the other RAK. I will have to check it out.
Jenn C
Your flowers are beautiful! and WOW 31 pages! that is awesome!
Reminds me...I need to pull weeds myself! The flowers are beautiful! Hope to see you soon woman!
What a beautiful yard!
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