While that was incredible, I must admit that Jason Hall's Keynote speech had everything you need to get motivated about your life - laughter, tears, suggestions, challenges... if you ever have the opportunity to hear him speak, do it.

Dinner was delicious, probably because we got to indulge in our dessert first!

That's right, we were served dessert first and with little plastic treasure chests. One lucky lady (it turned out it was her birthday!) won a trip for two to Creative Escape next year!
Earlier in the day, I completed my final class. There were roughly 8 groups of 80 that rotated between the teachers Friday and Saturday.

After the first day, my 8 x 8 wire-bound acrylic album class "Celebrating YOU," had the reputation of being fast and challenging, with a lot of techniques to get through.

I was happy to hear that... I'd rather challenge people and teach them new things rather than bore them with projects they already know how to do!
I also met up with my Secret Sisters, both the one I gave to (Shannon from Arizona)

and the one I got from (Susan from New York).

I really enjoyed getting to know them both in person. Actually, I had met Susan on the Bazzill bus tour Wednesday, but I had no idea who she was... And poor Shannon had known I was her SS for awhile... I had stupidly forgotten to mark out my return address on one of her packages! Duh! What a bummer!
I had such a wonderful time teaching... the attenedees were so gracious and supportive. So many stopped me to say they liked the class, that they learned a lot - and to make sure I was surviving OK! Which I was... the CE and hotel staff were fabulous ... the two volunteers in my classroom, Shelley and Wanda,

were just wonderful and really made the class run so much more smoothly.
And a huge thanks to Heidi Swapp and the Bazzill Gang for this incredible opportunity! It was a dream come true! Now I need to get some sleep....
Hey Jess...I was so happy to finally see a new post on your blog. Your album looks awesome. Will the kit be hitting the K2R site anytime soon? Wow!!! 8 groups of 80. That is huge. I thought your classes of 40-50 were big. I am glad you had 2 good helpers.
Here is to a safe flight home tomorrow, and you and the 3 boys staying hurricane free for the next month.
See you in October, KL
What a great day!! Thanks for the daily updates--it is fun to see all the great things you are doing.
I have been looking over the first post you wrote about CE for a few days now and I just love the pictures and all the excitement that you've shown us! Today the new post is awesome too! I met you (at The Red Bee) when you were just newly picked to go to CE and you were still numb from the news, I think! Now look at you woman! You have inspired so many more and shared so much! The album you posted today looks wonderful! Enjoy your rest!
Hi Jessica...love the pictures of Tim and Jason...may have to get copies of those since I was back further....
Loved your class and can hardly wait to finish it...you taught me quite a bit and I am grateful!
You were an AWESOME secret sister as well! Thanks again for being so generous!
Glad you had a blast!! Are you heading home soon? Take care and we will chat soon.
Looks like it was a funderful event! Thanks for giving us a peek.
Wow, Jessica I really enjoyed meeting you and taking your class. It was a great class and I learned things I had no idea what to do before.
I am working on completing this today and then going to bind it at SBE, as it is amazing how all goes together. I didn't know you were on the yahoo board with me also.
Wow, I made this CE for my 1st time ever, as I have been waiting for the past two patiently to get in. Ok, well thanks again and hope the fudge wasn't melted. I live in Mesa and put it in a cooler and for some reason it got melty.
take care.
Jessica: WOW! Looks like a truly wonderful time for you and everyone in attendance. You're making me wanna head over next year! Saw the project you posted. Love it...and I'm sure they all loved YOU! Keep doin' what you do!
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