Saturday, September 15, 2012

Good-bye, Marble...

Today I had planned to blog about the "Survival Japanese" class I took this week., but I am just not feeling up to it. Aunt Vicky Skyped the news today: My boxer dog, Marble, passed over the Rainbow Bridge at the age of 14. It was heartbreaking leaving her behind as we embarked on the international chapter of our lives, but she was in great hands with Aunt Vic and Uncle Earl, on their farm in Illinois. A huge heartfelt thank you goes out to them - especially since they lost their own canine furkid, Toby, just a couple of months ago.

Marble, the beginning of July, right before we left Pensacola

My heart breaks again at the loss of my "daughter" today. My two other furkids, also boxers, Slade and Ripley passed away while we were in Pensacola, so I am dog-less for the first time in 15 years. I would remedy that fact within the next few months if I lived in a building that allowed dogs. Mid-rises on MCAS Iwakuni do not allow dogs. So, I will be dog-less for at least another three years. I am not looking forward to that.

I will blog about surviving Japanese in the next day or so, when my sense of humor has returned. Please stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Steph. I appreciate the advice. I didn't know that the Japanese would be so friendly and willing to share their dogs.
