Sunday, July 08, 2012

A brief hiatus

I know I have not posted in several days and I have had every intention of doing so, but life got in the way, as it often does. My father-in-law was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in October, and has been fighting it ever since - radiation, speech therapy, the works. Unfortunately, he is losing his battle. He is under hospice care and my husband, Rodney, is working with the Red Cross and the Marine Corps to extend his stay here in his hometown to help his mother care for his father. If our stay here is extended, then our arrival in Japan will be postponed, up to several weeks.

My overall wish for this blog is to inform people in an upbeat, humorous, sometimes sarcastic, manner about people, places, things and situations I encounter. Yet I can find nothing appropriate to write about as I watch a family member pass away slowly and his family stand by fairly helplessly, doing all they can to ease any discomfort he may have.

So please know that I do intend to return to writing in my quirky journalistic manner, but not for a week or two. If you are the praying kind, please pray for peace for my father-in-law, strength for his wife, and comfort for everyone here.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your whole family Jsssica.. May God who understands each need, who listens to every prayer, bless you & keep you in His tender loving care. <3
