This is actually something I wrote a while back, but still think the basic ideas are relevant.
Start – Then have meetings!
Disorderly action is better than orderly inaction.
Shoot. Fire. Aim.
The way I work on projects is:
· * - 1) come up with an idea/goal
· * 2) figure out possible ways to accomplish the goal
· * 3) some initial research to eliminate the least likely ways to reach the goal
· * 4) dig in and get started
· Unforeseen challenges ALWAYS pop up, so switching gears and adjusting methods as you work toward your goal is normal, not the exception.
I know that not everyone works the same way, and I used to think I could embrace others’ way of completing projects. But, recently, I have found that I am not as welcoming to new processes as I have been in the past. While it may not be the absolute truth, my perception of some of my team mates is that they are more motivated by the following phrases:
Analysis by paralysis
Procrastinators: The leaders of tomorrow
Indecision is the key to flexibility.
Needless to say, the team does not work together smoothly. And I so wish it would. We could accomplish so much more! These situations have been addressed by various forms of management for at least a year now, with little or no results. Management is aware, and small steps are taken, but, really, I don’t understand why something more drastic is not done, like termination, or placing the person in a different job. That’s actually something I hope to learn in these classes – why is the removal of poor employee rarely done? This is not the only workplace I have seen this be a problem in, so there must be some universal issues. Or is this a taboo subject that could use some dialogue?
The reason I digressed to poor personnel when it comes to time management is because the team could be so much more effective and efficient with team members who understood efficiency, planning and organization. Because of their poor time management skills, those who do have good time management skills end up doing more work to make up for what the others can’t (or won’t) do, leaving the efficient employees feeling stressed out and overworked.
It is so important to hire the right people. I can see why interview processes at good companies are so long – you really need to get to know the true person as best you can before you extend them an offer. Something for me to keep in mind: Taking more time to get the right candidate to begin with can save your months of time in the future! Hire hard and manage easy. Discuss...
I love this concept "shoot, fire, aim" I believe there is a book in there somewhere. Did you coin that phrase and what more do you mean by it? "Let's whiteboard this thing and figure it out" is another one, as in "let's throw it up there and see what sticks". If we did this more with open monds, wonder what the world would be like:)