Friday, June 26, 2009

Scrappy stuff this week ...

... sometimes life just gets in the way of good blogging time! With my hubby's birthday this weekend, summer visits from friends and just life in general, I haven't had much time to process photos and post them this week! I promise to do better! But here's what happened in the world of Kits2Remember this week:

Craft night at my house Monday night: Some Pensacola moms got together at my house to create and some of them wanted quick lessons on the K2R metal message boards, Stickles and Ranger paint dabbers. We had a great time!

Thursday night I taught the "Men in My Life" class at Scraphappy here in Pensacola. It's a great 8 x 8 mixed media album that is a companion to last month's "The Women in My Life" 8 x 8 album. Leftover its for both classes are available in the K2R store.

While I was at Scraphappy, owner Christy was busy with some of the K2R acrylic flags. I paused during class to see what she was doing with them and check these cute embellishments out:

If you want to create something cute for the 4th of July next weekend, order these acrylic flags by Sunday and you will have them no later than Thursday!

Need some more inspiration? Don't forget to check out the K2R Design Krew's blog!


  1. Bet it was fun to have a bunch of teaching opps. The flags are great, they would makes some cute party decor.

  2. So glad you found a store in FL to teach at! I can't wait to open my "Women" and "Men" in my life kits and get them made. And what lucky neighbors to come straight to the source for scrapping. Keep on having fun!
