Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Relaxin' in Sac ...

My Mom and I drove up I-5 today, an eight hour trek north to Sacramento for the Scrapbook Expo here this weekend. Fortunately, it was an uneventful drive and I am now relaxing in my favorite fuzzy green socks, sipping flavored water. Before the whirlwind of the Expo entangles me, I did want to blog about a few things.

First off, I forgot to thank my Scrapfest volunteers in my last blog - oops! So, a huge thank you to Kathi, Andrea and Jenn. Without you guys it wouldn't have gone nearly as smooth. Thank you and see you all at the Ontario Expo!

K2R will also have some new, fun stuff at the booths in Sacramento and Ontario. There is the new Twiddleybitz line from Australia. Here are some photos of the K2R Krew's take on this acrylic and chipboard line:

You can see more on the Krew blog. I will also have some new stuff to be used with the metal, like magnetic Bazzill-covered frames. And I have dabbled in digital/hybrid scrapbooking by carrying a CD collection of paper and embellishments on CD, created by new designer Gina K. Here a sampling of her collection. I love the visual texture of the flowers and the heart-shaped virtual bling!

Monday I had a class at Ever After's new location in Vista. Wow! Any of you heading over in preparation for the Survivor Crop this weekend are in for a treat! The store looks fabulous and they've been there only six weeks. I love the color (green!) and the black accents and classy fixtures and decorations make it a warm, fun place to walk in to. The students were sweet and seemed to have a good time. The only bummer was the nearby Camp Pendleton fire.

I saw it as I drove south on I-5 to the store, but one of the ladies signed up for the class couldn't come because her home was very close to the fire line. Yikes! I hope everything turned out OK! There are dozens of fires all over California right now, as "fire season" kicks off in a flurry. Best wishes to everyone affected.

Yesterday was errands and Expo prep day for me: Bank, lunch with colleagues, mani/pedi, make new samples for the booth (there is a message board using the metal and Teresa Collins bracket-shaped covers I think is a lot of fun), can't remember what else, to get ready for the Sacramento Expo. Oh, and I took some time to be mindlessly entertained by my (parents) tortoises.

"Parents" is in parentheses because these 45-pound reptiles were actually mine before I gave them up to my parents due to my many moves. They are Sulcata, or African Spur-Thigh, tortoises and I've had them since 2001 when I got them from the then-mayor of Yuma, AZ, who bred them. They were about the size of nectarines then. Now they are big enough for a toddler to ride. They keep trying to walk under the hose holder and get stuck, taking the hose holder with them as far as the connected hose will let them. Then you have to rescue the not-so-pint-sized bulldozers.

They are too strong for their own good, they think nothing of shoving small potted trees and barbecues out of their way, and have big appetites for fruits and veggies, especially for strawberries and tomatoes... anything red. So you have to watch your toes if they happened to have bright red toenails from a recent pedicure!

A sidenote: My DH called while I was blogging, and it reminded me to mention putting "ICE" in your cell phones. Of course, this has nothing to do with your freezer. These are "In Case of Emergency" numbers so that emergency personnel can contact your loved ones quickly if you are ever in trouble. For example, I have my husband's and parents' numbers programed into my phone with "ICE" before their names. Some of us have dozens, even hundreds, of numbers in our cell phonebooks and it may not be obvious who your closest relatives are. It's just a good idea, especially for your kids' phones.

And I'm on Facebook now and I am addicted to collecting Pieces of Flair. If you have no idea what I am talking about, donlt worry about it. You may be better off. To quote Juno, Facebook is a huge "timesuck." :)

I'm off to bed now, a long day ahead of me tomorrow, setting up the booth, so goodnight, and I look forward to seeing some of you at the Sacramento Scrapbook Expo!


  1. I enjoyed reading this installment of your life. The turtles or tortoises, look like fun. My kids would love them.

    I am anxious to see your new samples for the metal. I just may have to have that CD as well. Don't kill yourselves (you and Mom) this weekend...we have to do it all over again next weekend. Best of luck.

  2. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Thanks for sharing your life with us. I really look forward to checking tenaciously yours and the krew blog each day to see what new things you've seen and done, and to keep that creative spark in me going that was launched after the 1st acrylic class with you. The new Krew is doing wonders! Thanks again.

  3. Anonymous6:02 AM

    oops, forgot to sign my name - Mille.

  4. Jessica - We have been looking for tortoises and are on several adoption lists. If your parents get tired of them, let me know. We have a fairly large backyard and would love to offer them a good home! Lori Sizemore
