Well, I am sitting here in my hotel room, clicking away on my laptop, which is on a fabulous MyPlace laptop table thingie that sits over my lap. My friend and Krew member, Kathi, gave it to me this evening and I already love it. Thanks, woman!
As for the Ontario Expo, our booth is all set up! I have partnered with Vesta at Scrapbook Boulevard in Victorville this time, and we are doing two great make and takes! On one side of the booth, $4 you can use the Bind-it-All to punch and wire-bind a 4x4 Kits2Remember acrylic mini book. So, you get to play with the Bind-it-All and acrylic all in one sitting! And then, on the other end of the booth, you can create a cute 6 x 6 magnetic message board, complete with Kits2Remember metal panels, Prima flowers spritzed with Glimmer Mist and May Arts ribbon. Wow!
And speaking of Prima, we are delighted that we will have special guests from Prima stopping by the booth for some fun and surprises! Adam will be by and Friday and Prima Donna Salazar will be stopping by Saturday! Can't wait to see what they have in store for us!
K2R will also have some new kits available, including some of the class kits from the "Thanks" 6 x 6 acrylic album and "Today Is" perpetual interactive calendar classes. I also have a Halloween kit put together using Teresa Collin's 8 x 8 double-sided paper. All of these kits are in very limited supply, so be sure to stop by the booth early. It won't be tough to find us... we are are right in the front as you walk into the Expo hall!
I still have handful of seats available in my classes, the "Good and Girly" and "Boys 2 Men" 6 x 6 acrylic album classes. If you are interested in Acrylic and the Bind-it-All machine, these are classes for you! While preregistration is over, you can still purchase tickets at the event, while seats are left. Just stop by the info desk in the lobby.
I am looking forward to seeing my scrappy SoCal friends this weekend... be sure to stop by the booth to say hi! I've missed you guys!
As for earlier this week, I had two great classes ... my last two at stores in SoCal for 2008. :( Scrapbooking Heaven and Scrapbook Boulevard were kind enough to host me Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, respectively. The "students" all seemed to have fun and go home with new skills (and cute projects!). Several stores have already booked me for February when I am out in SoCal again, so be sure to watch this blog for details!
As a side note, my Sister-in-law, Jill is a part-time artist, so I "commissioned" her to create a dinosaur mural in my sons' play room, inspired by a "Think Big" metal sign with a dinosaur on it that I picked up for a song at a My Minds Eye expo booth in Utah earlier this year. Jill visited the boys in Florida this week and got to work. While I have not been home to enjoy it in its entirety, here is how it turned out according to the photos she sent me:
Awesome, isn't it? Great work, Jilly! And it looks like my 2 1/2-yaer-old, Xan, isn't too sure he wants to get that close to the T-Rex! LOL... So, if you live in the St. Louis area, and need a playroom mural, let me know and I will put you in touch with Jill... :D
Jessica, the class was a lot of fun, THANKS! I am so excited about this weekend, sounds like there is going to be a whole lot of fun going on. Tell you sister-in-law great work! I am impressed.