Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ontario Expo Day Two...

Whew! What a show! Being at the front of the Scrapbook Expo hall, we were a busy place! Two make and takes, 300 square feet of fun scrappy stuff and it was all usually CRAMMED with people! I teamed up with Victorville's Scrapbook Boulevard to bring a great mix of product to Ontario, and it looks like our efforts were appreciated! Thank you to those who braved the claustrophobia to shop! Here are some photos of the booth this morning...

... and of the booth this evening.

Well, maybe not the entire booth, but quite a bit of it! This is K2R's first pallet of scrap stuff. I don't think you are a true Expo vendor until you have loaded your first pallet to be trucked across country... LOL! These boxes are headed to the Tampa Scrapbook Expo the first weekend in December. BTW, if you live in the Tampa area and are interested in being a volunteer Krew member, email me ( for details. And speaking of the volunteer Krew, today's ladies were exceptional! My sincerest gratitude goes out to Kathi, Jenn, Cheryl, Sandie, Andrea, Tanya, JoAnna, and, of course, my faithful cashier, my Mom, Nancy. You guys totally rock! Thank you!

As a side note, I want to publicly thank Judy, the owner of Scrapyard 329. She was a HUGE help to me this week and I can't thank her enough for her generosity!

Also, I know a number of you purchased the 8 x 8 Halloween acrylic album kit. Those photos and instructions will be available soon!

And now I am off to bed. I am planning to sleep in a bit late tomorrow and then I fly home to Pensacola Monday. Thanks to everyone for making these few weeks in California so great!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Thanks for 2 more great classes, the opportunity to "work" in your Expo booth (I put work in quotes because it's the most fun work ever!), and congrats on the front space - busy is always good - you display so nicely, and having the finished project right next to the kit is great. Can't believe the pallet! Safe travels and we'll be counting the days to Costa Mesa Expo in Feb 2009.
