Thursday, July 31, 2008

A day of delightful foliage!

I was surprised with a beautiful arrangement of flowers yesterday. Of course, before opening the card, I asked my DH if he had sent them.
"Why would I send you flowers?"
Exactly. So I then figured they were from my Secret Sister since a Secret Admirer seemed a little far-fetched.
And they were from my CKU Provo Secret Sister, "Sissy Rinaldi," whom I am very much looking forward to meeting next week at the event. Thanks, Sissy, they did, indeed, make my day!

I also had some groceries to pick up at Wal-mart, and I found they still had a few of those unique little hanging plants with the bucket-like leaves. They were on sale, so I just HAD to have one. When I checked out, one of the ladies said she had one at her house, big and full, but it no longer had "pitchers."
"Pitchers?" I asked.
"Yes," she said it what I think wass a Scottish brogue. "Pitchehs, loike, poorin' pitchehs... those are called Pitcheh Plaunts."
I Googled pitcher plants and, it turns out, I have a science experiment in my own backyard now. Related to the Venus Fly Trap, the plant's pitcher leaves fill with a fluid and attract insects, which fly into the pitchers and drown. The plant then eats the insects. They are very tropical, love humidity (which is why the lady's plant does not have pitchers - her house is not humid enough, I will have to tell her next time I see her at Wal-mart, she was a bit concerned) and are sometimes called "monkey cups," because monkeys have been seen drinking the fluid out of them in the wild. How fun!


  1. What a weird plant!! I totally need one to control out bug problem. And congrats on the flowers! How fun!! Hope to see you Saturday, even though I know you will be working...

  2. oh yeah!!! CKU is coming up. i hope you having fun with all the prep!

  3. Oh what a cool looking plant...unfortunately I don't think that it would survive very well in AZ.....

    Have a great time at CKU - can't wait to meet you in 33 days at CE

  4. My blog, along with hundreds of other Blogger blogs have been "locked" due to reports of our blogs being "spam" blogs. Obviously, I am running my own blog, so this should be cleared up soon, but until then, please bear with me! I will announce a winner of my RAK soon!

    Thanks for your patience!


  5. I have a similiar pitcher plant as well... But i'm facing some problem as the cups and leaves will wilt very soon... Can you please give me some advice?
