Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Croppin' in the OC was all it was expected to be!

The Crops2Remember Weekend Crop in Lake Forest, CA, was this past weekend and 24 motivated croppers were there, enjoying the fun and festivities while still getting some pages DONE! As a matter of fact, Heidi S. had 43 pages done by Saturday night, earning her a Gold Scissors award!

Terrie D. from Kerman, CA, repeated and took the honor of Queen of the Crop, complete with tiara donated by the Diva Craft Lounge (thank you Danielle and Rayme!) Cyndi, also from Kerman, was our Page Challenge Princess, and each received the appropriate accolades at our Saturday awards night, "The Scrappies," where the Golden Scissors are awarded to six lucky ladies for various achievements, from page design, to creativity, to blogging. Judy O. from Lake Forest left more than 20 comments on the C2R blog, earning her lots of raffle tickets and, ultimately, the Golden Scissors Baroness of Blogging award!

A number of surprise guests made their way to C2R throughout the weekend: Laura Miller from Desert Scrappers Weekend Retreats; Daisy from Eclectic Paperie; Robin from SoCal Scrap; Stephanie Ackerman from Home & Heart Magazine (with her very TASTY chocolate chip cookies to share ... get the next issue of the magazine for THIS recipe, ladies, the price of the pub is worth it!), and lead Fiskateer #2, Cheryl Waters, who shared some inspiring ideas, tool knowledge and a fabulous prize basket that lucky Elena won!

We also had a number of fabulous prize sponsors, who I would like to give a big Thank you to: The Red Bee in Tustin, Timeless Treasures in Rancho Santa Margarita, Designs & Such, and Per Annum. And, of course, Kits2Remember was there, too! (BTW, if you were at the crop and need more personalized C2R paper or stickers, they are available here.)

To see more pictures of the fun we had, go to the C2R blog! Thanks to all the attendees and my fellow co-hosts, Nan and Naomi! It was a blast!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    It really was a great crop. I've already got November on my calendar. Thanks Jessica.
