Monday, January 14, 2008

A spare moment to blog ...

At the Desert Scrappers retreat this weekend with the WhoGAS girls (Who Gives a Scrap!) I am on the top right.

WOW! Has it been that long since I blogged?! Jeez! Time is flying by in 2008 already for me! Kits2Remember has just taken off and I am busy with events, classes and, oh yeah, family life! Not to mention my DH and Director of Operations has been training in Mississippi, so I've been a "single Mom" up until this week, although I did have some help from my DPs (Dear Parents!). This past weekend K2R hot the road and headed to the scrub brush for the Desert Scrappers retreat in Palm Springs. I actually did get some cropping done in between the classes I taught and showing different techniques to croppers throughout the weekend. Acrylic, Stickles, Grungeboard and Ranger paint dabbers were some of the big hits with the croppers ...

Tuesday night I will be teaching my "Clearly in Love" 6 x 6 acrylic album class at the Red Bee from 6-8 p.m. You can find out more about it on my calendar: , as well as info about other classes I am teaching around SoCal. Your local store may be one of the ones kind enough to host me!

This weekend is the first-ever ScrapFest San Diego at the Del Mar Fairgrounds Activity Center. The event is SOLD OUT and I hear there are more than 200 croppers attending each day! K2R will be there, plus I am teaching a purse and album class on Saturday from 5-7 p.m. for those croppers who are interested. You can check out more about that on my calendar, too.

Plus, K2R has a TON of new product, so new, some of it isn't even on my web site yet, because I just haven't had the chance to photograph and import it all! K2R has new o-wire colors (for the Bind-it-All!) Grungeboard Basics, Brag Tag military-style photo necklace kits, and our new EXCLUSIVE line from Clear Scrap acrylic albums: Undrilled Clear Scraps - shaped albums without holes pre-drilled so you can punch and bind them any way you want, with the BiA, Crop-a-dile, Fiskars drill or any way else you can think of! I'll chat more about them later. Be sure to keep an eye open for samples of these to pop up on the K2R ideas page: .

1 comment:

  1. Picture thief! LOL!
    Jessica is was SO good to meet you, you are so down to earth and are my kind of girl! See you soon at Scrap Alley!
    Ciao girlfriend!
