Sunday, January 28, 2007

Bind-it-All is a hit!

No joke, Zutter Industries had the busiest booth at CHA on Sunday. Sure, there were bigger names with bigger crowds - but only when that booth had scheduled a drawing for some big prize. Zutter, who manufactures the first do-it-yourself wire binding tool, Bind-it-All, had continuous crowds around its booth simply because the tool is like nothing else on the market right now - and I had the pleasure of assisting the Zutter team with marketing tools and project samples. Zutter has also introduced new paper cutter, DreamKuts, that allows you to make perfectly matched minibook pages in a matter of seconds. Learn more at

People were gathered around the booth, ordering the two tools, binding wires and chipboard minibook starter kits, With every order, retailers would also get a baby pink robe with the Bind-it-All logo on it and a vintage valise-styled rolling suitcase.

For me, it's awesome to have three of my projects on the side of the Bind-it-All box. The red and blue box, vintage tag book and "Precious" envelope book are mine. And my scrappy friend Nan not only demoed the tools at CHA with me, but she also has two projects on the box (which they mislabled, by the way!) The marching band memory book and the Miami Dolphins fantasy football league journal are Nan's designs. Not bad considering we hadn't ever seen, much less touched, the machines when we made them! We just knew the machines' capabilities and created projects for the instructional DVD that is packaged with each machine. You may have seen it - it was playing at Angel's Scrapbook Garden in Mission Viejo and at the CHA booth. And that instructional DVD holds a special place in my heart ... I coordinated the production of it. Anyone need a video made? Have you people call my people ... ha!

1 comment:

  1. I just found Bind It All yesterday and I want one! Are you still using the original or have you upgraded to 2.0? Wondering if 2.0 is worth the extra money.
