Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bind-it-All Frenzy!

Behind behind the counter of the Bind-it-All booth allowed me the best view of the epitome of CHA - the excitement of new products, great deals and FREE stuff! The crowd never diminished for long and the line to order often wrapped back around the booth! It was so much fun to show people these tools and watch their faces light up with the possibilities the Bind-it-All and Dreamkuts would give them creatively. Demonstrating the tools also gave me a lot of practice with them and now I have a ton of ideas in my head that I just need to find the time to create!


  1. You took great pictures of CHA. I didn't even think to pull out my camera for anything other than a celebrity! Silly me.

  2. Thanks .. I figured I'd kick myself later if I didn't! If you want some, let mek now - you were there, too!
